Eye Emergencies
Welcome to EyeMax – Your Dedicated Optometrists Serving Lexington and Nicholasville, Kentucky Since 2000.
For many people, going to the nearest emergency room is the default option when they have an eye emergency. However, many eye emergencies in Lexington and Nicholasville do not require going to the hospital. We can handle most emergencies during regular office hours.
What Constitutes an Eye Emergency?
You should seek prompt attention from an optometrist whenever you have significant pain, a possible infection, or eye trauma such as a foreign object stuck in your eye. Here are some specific examples of eye issues we treat on an urgent basis:
- Bleeding or bruising around an eye
- Burning sensation in one or both eyes
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye) or any other eye infection
- Deep scratch on an eyelid or eyeball
- Discharge from one or both eyes
- Double vision
- Eye irritation with painful and/or red eyes
- Eye pain and/or redness
- Eye trauma such as a scratched eyelid or a foreign object such as a small stone lodged in the eye
- Intense itching
- Lost or damaged contact lenses or glasses
- New or worsening headaches
- Pupils in each eye are not the same size
- Seeing flashes of light or floaters in your visual field
- Sudden light sensitivity
- Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes
- Your contact lenses have become dislodged
These situations are urgent, and you should not wait to get a regular appointment if you experience one of them.