Contact Lenses
Welcome to EyeMax – Your Dedicated Optometrists Serving Lexington and Nicholasville, Kentucky Since 2000.
Contact lenses can make an attractive alternative to wearing glasses for people who require vision correction. You can choose to wear contact lenses as your primary means of achieving clear vision or alternate them with your glasses depending on the situation. Should you decide you want to wear contact lenses full-time or part-time, your first step is to schedule a consultation with EyeMax in Man O War, North Park, or Nicholasville, Kentucky.
What to Expect during Your Contact Lenses Consultation
If you currently wear glasses and want to switch to contact lenses or you are seeking vision correction for the first time, you will need to visit one of our three locations in person to discuss your needs. Your eye doctor needs to know about any health or lifestyle considerations that could impact how well you are able to tolerate wearing contact lenses.
For example, would you prefer to wear contact lenses that you dispose of and change daily or would a monthly solution work better for you? People with certain eye conditions, such as astigmatism or dry eye disorder, may need a specific brand or style of lenses. This is to ensure that your contact lenses are comfortable and provide the vision correction that you expect.
People who normally wear glasses with a bifocal should switch to multifocal contact lenses to make sure they can see small print clearly. Rest assured that your optometrist at EyeMax will determine the best type of contact lenses for you based on your current prescription.
Contacts Lenses Require a Special Fitting
Since every person has a different eye shape, we take several measurements during your contact lenses consultation to ensure that they fit properly the first time you place them in your eyes. Here are some specific factors that we consider:
- Curvature of the front corner of your eye (cornea): Your optometrist uses a special instrument called a keratometer to create the appropriate curve for your new contact lenses. The use of additional measuring instruments may be necessary if you have astigmatism, since this common condition affects the curvature of the eyes.
- Evaluation of tear film: Contact lenses can make your eyes feel drier than normal, especially if you forget to use eye drops regularly. Part of the contact lens consultation at EyeMax involves placing liquid dye in each eye to determine if you have enough natural tear film to support contact lenses.
- Iris/pupil size: The iris is the colored part of your eye, and the pupil is the small black dot inside of it. We use two instruments called a slit lamp and a biomicroscope to obtain these measurements.
We look forward to assisting you with obtaining contact lenses in Man O War, North Park, or Nicholasville, Kentucky. Please schedule a consultation at the eye clinic nearest you at your convenience.